Saturday, June 5, 2010

Mobile Post

When a mallard and a white duck start cruising together it makes me think about where we are headed. The greed, trickery and selfishness is
When a mallard and a white duck start cruising together it makes me think about where we are headed. The greed, trickery and selfishness is eating us alive. We need to turn things around. It's all about getting back to the basics. I am so sick of requesting a service whether car repair, changing cable TV or buying technology, there are so many decieving tricks in the purchase vs value. People lie cheat and sabotoge at times. Even Christians are using God for thier own gain. I saw a preacher's home in California with a 60 foot yacht behind his half a million dollar Condo. The answer is not to go to Africa to save the world if your own family is deprived of love and attention. We need to get back what the true values are in life. it's about truth, love and serving others. Can we make it back to that before the world turns up side down?
Take the extra effort to read the detail, it will save you tons of money and calm  the nerves.
Take the extra effort to read the detail, it will save you tons of money and calm the nerves.